Phenoflow: Standardise and share computable disease definitions

Worked as a part of HDR UK's National Phenomics Resource team to construct the UK's first national repository of computable disease definitions (phenotypes). Led on the development of Phenoflow, software that standardises repository phenotypes as Common Workflow Language (CWL) workflows.

Selected outputs

Connecting Computable Phenotypes With Multiple Health It Standards Using The Phenoflow Library 2022
M Chapman, L Rasmussen, J Pacheco and V Curcin

Phenoflow: A Microservice Architecture For Portable Workflow-Based Phenotype Definitions 2021
M Chapman, L V Rasmussen, J A Pacheco and V Curcin

Using Computable Phenotypes In Point-Of-Care Clinical Trial Recruitment 2021
M Chapman, J Domínguez, E Fairweather, B C Delaney and V Curcin

phenoflow  Standardise and share computable disease definitions


Phenoflow: An Architecture for Computable Phenotypes  Applying FAIR principles to computable phenotype libraries, ELIXIR All Hands, Amsterdam, 2022
Phenoflow 2021  Clinical Natural Language Processing Group, University of Edinburgh, 2021
Phenoflow: A Microservice Architecture for Portable Workflow-based Phenotype Definitions  AMIA Informatics Summit, 2021
Using computable phenotypes in point of care clinical trial recruitment  Medical Informatics Europe (MIE), 2021

© Martin Chapman

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